Linking Ripley supervisee/supervisor accounts is easy. Here are two ways in which you can link accounts with your supervisor/supervisee.
FIRST (quickest, easiest, recommended) you can go to the top of the dashboard once you log in to Ripley. If you have a supervisor account, it will say “Invite your supervisee(s) to track their progress.”, if you have a supervisee account, it will say “Invite your supervisor(s) to help track your hours”.
Once you have invited your supervisor/supervisee, they will receive an email from Ripley. If they already have an account and are logged in, they can click it to automatically link to your account.
If they are new to Ripley, they will be prompted to create an account. Once their account has been created, they will be linked to your account.
SECOND - if you have unsuccessfully attempted the above method, you can fill out our Contact Form and request for us to manually connect you to a supervisor or supervisee.
Be sure to provide both supervisee and supervisor email addresses that were used to set up Ripley accounts. Please note that this will only work if both parties already have a Ripley account.
When Ripley was designed, the software engineers and planners decided that Ripley would not contain any of the 18 identifiers that trigger HIPAA compliance.
In other words, by not having electronic protected health information, or ePHI as it is called it would make the tracker much more simple.
If you review the 18 client patient identifiers below, Ripely Fieldwork Tracker does not for any of those. All these identifiers below are with respect to the Patient being treated.
- Patient Name
- Address (all geographic subdivisions smaller than state, including street address, city county, and zip code)
- Dates (except years) related to an individual (such as birthdate, admission date, discharge date, date of death, and exact age if over 89)
- Telephone numbers
- Fax number
- Email address
- Social Security Number
- Medical record number
- Health plan beneficiary number
- Account number
- Certificate or license number
- Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers
- Device identifiers and serial numbers
- Web URL
- Internet Protocol (IP) Address
- Finger or voice print
- Photographic images
- Any other characteristic that could uniquely identify the individual
It is important that users do not add HIPAA-protected ePHI information to the tracker. This approach would apply to all devices, texts, emails, conversations, in which it would be important not to supply this information as a note would not require personal health information.